
Essentials of Understanding Psychology 14th Edition Feldman TEST BANK


Test Bank for Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 14th Edition, Robert Feldman, ISBN10: 1260829014, ISBN13: 9781260829013



Essentials of Understanding Psychology 14th Edition Feldman TEST BANK

Test Bank for Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 14th Edition, Robert Feldman, ISBN10: 1260829014, ISBN13: 9781260829013

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction to Psychology
Module 1 Psychologists at Work
Module 2 A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Module 3 Research in Psychology
Module 4 Critical Research Issues

Chapter 2 Neuroscience and Behavior
Module 5 Neurons: The Basic Elements of Behavior
Module 6 The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communicating with the Body
Module 7: The Brain

Chapter 3 Sensation and Perception
Module 8 Sensing the World Around Us
Module 9 Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye
Module 10 Hear and the Other Senses
Module 11 Perceptual Organization: Constructing Our View of the World

Chapter 4 States of Consciousness
Module 12 Sleep and Dreams
Module 13 Hypnosis and Meditation
Module 14 Drug Use: The Highs and the Lows of Consciousness

Chapter 5 Learning
Module 15 Classical Conditioning
Module 16 Operant Conditioning
Module 17 Cognitive Approaches to Learning

Chapter 6 Memory
Module 18 The Foundations of Memory
Module 19 Recalling Long-Term Memories
Module 20 Forgetting: When Memory Fails

Chapter 7 Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Module 21 Thinking
Module 22 Language
Module 23 Intelligence

Chapter 8 Motivation and Emotion
Module 24 Explaining Motivation
Module 25 Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring
Module 26 Understanding Emotional Experiences

Chapter 9 Development
Module 27 Nature and Nurture: The Enduring Developmental Issue
Module 28 Infancy and Childhood
Module 29 Adolescence: Becoming an Adult
Module 30 Adulthood

Chapter 10 Personality
Module 31 Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality
Module 32 Trait, Learning, Biological and Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches to Personality
Module 33 Assessing Personality: Determining What Makes Us Distinctive

Chapter 11 Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being
Module 34 Stress and Coping
Module 35 Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being
Module 36 Promoting Health and Wellness

Chapter 12 Psychological Disorders
Module 37 Normal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction
Module 38 The Major Psychological Disorders
Module 39 Psychological Disorders in Perspective

Chapter 13 Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Module 40 Psychotherapy: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, and Cognitive Approaches to Treatment
Module 41 Psychotherapy: Humanistic, Interpersonal, and Group Approaches to Treatment
Module 42 Biomedical Therapy: Biological Approaches to Treatment

Chapter 14 Social Psychology
Module 43 Attitudes and Social Cognition
Module 44Social Influence and Groups
Module 45 Prejudice and Discrimination
Module 46 Positive and Negative Social Behavior

Epilogue Diversity, Culture, Conflict, and Cooperation
Diversity and Culture
Conflict and Cooperation: Striving for a Just and Peaceful World