Materials, engineering, science, processing and design 3rd Edition Ashby SOLUTION MANUAL
Solution Manual for Materials, engineering, science, processing and design, 3rd Edition, Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, David Cebon, ISBN-10: 0080994342, ISBN-13: 9780080994345, ISBN 9780080982816
Table of Contents
Materials, 3rd Edition
Introduction: materials – history and character;
Organizing materials and processes;
Matching material to design;
Density and elastic moduli;
GL1 – Simple ideas of crystallography;
Stiffness-limited design; Plasticity, yielding and ductility;
Strength-limited design; Fracture and fracture toughness;
Cyclic loading, damage and failure; Fracture-limited design;
Friction and wear;
Materials and heat;
Using Materials at high temperatures;
Conductors, insulators and dielectrics; Magnetic Materials;
Materials for Optical Devices; Oxidation, corrosion and degradation;
Manufacturing processes; Processing and properties;
GL2 – Phase diagrams and phase transformations;
Materials, processes and the environment;
Appendix – Data for engineering materials