
Mobility in Context Principles of Patient Care Skills 3rd Edition Johansson TEST BANK

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Test Bank for Mobility in Context Principles of Patient Care Skills, 3rd Edition, Charity Johansson, Susan A. Chinworth, Crystal Ramsey, ISBN: 9781719642866


Mobility in Context Principles of Patient Care Skills 3rd Edition Johansson TEST BANK

Test Bank for Mobility in Context Principles of Patient Care Skills, 3rd Edition, Charity Johansson, Susan A. Chinworth, Crystal Ramsey, ISBN: 9781719642866

Table of Contents

Establishing the Bar: An Introduction
The Fundamentals of Progressive Mobility

Moving the Bar: Part 1: Preparing Yourself for Patient–Clinician Interaction
1. Establishing the Therapeutic Alliance
2. The Mechanics of Movement
3. Special Environments

Moving the Bar: Part 2: Initiating Mobility
4. Keeping It Clean: Maintaining Cleanliness in the Clinical Environment
5. Assessing Physiological Status: Vital Signs and Peripheral Circulation
6. Draping for Minimum Exposure and Maximum Dignity
7. Positioning Your Patient for Mobility
8. Transferring Dependent Patients: Safe Patient Handling and Mobility

Moving the Bar: Part 3 Engaging the Patient in Early Functional Mobility
9. Maintaining Capacity for Mobility Through Range of Motion
10. Bed Mobility
11. Manual Lateral Transfers: Seated and Pivot
12. Vertical Transfers: Chair to Plinth and Floor to Chair

Moving the Bar: Part 4: Locomotion
13. Seated Mobility: Sitting But Not Sitting Still – Fitting and Propelling a Wheelchair
14. Navigating the Challenges of Ambulating
15. Implementing Device-Specific Gait