
Psychology Research Methods 1st Edition Burton TEST BANK

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Test Bank for Psychology Research Methods, 1st Edition, Lorelle J. Burton, C. James Goodwin, Kerri A. Goodwin, Paul E. Jose, John Reece, Judith Gullifer, Amanda Lambros, Mohammed Mussa, Andrea Lamont-Mills, ISBN: 0730344630, ISBN: 9780730362944


Psychology Research Methods 1st Edition Burton TEST BANK

Test Bank for Psychology Research Methods, 1st Edition, Lorelle J. Burton, C. James Goodwin, Kerri A. Goodwin, Paul E. Jose, John Reece, Judith Gullifer, Amanda Lambros, Mohammed Mussa, Andrea Lamont-Mills, ISBN: 0730344630, ISBN: 9780730362944

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The scientific method

Chapter 2. Ethics

Chapter 3. Measurement and validity

Chapter 4. Types of observational analysis

Chapter 5. Collecting and organising data (descriptive statistics)

Chapter 6. Experimental design 1 (One IV; independent groups; repeated measures)

Chapter 7. Experimental design 2 (Factorial designs)

Chapter 8. Variations on experimental design

Chapter 9. Correlational research

Chapter 10. Hypothesis testing and inferential statistics

Chapter 11. Qualitative methods

Chapter 12. Research report reading and writing

Chapter 13. SPSS