
Understanding Human Differences: Multicultural Education for a Diverse America 5th Edition Koppelman TEST BANK


Test Bank for Understanding Human Differences: Multicultural Education for a Diverse America, 5th Edition, Koppelman, ISBN-10: 0134044312, ISBN-13: 9780134044316



Understanding Human Differences: Multicultural Education for a Diverse America 5th Edition Koppelman TEST BANK

Test Bank for Understanding Human Differences: Multicultural Education for a Diverse America, 5th Edition, Koppelman, ISBN-10: 0134044312, ISBN-13: 9780134044316

Table of Contents

SECTION 1 Individual Attitudes and Interpersonal Relations

Chapter 1 Understanding Ourselves and Others: Clarifying Values and Language

Chapter 2 Understanding Prejudice and Its Causes

Chapter 3 Communication, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution

SECTION 2 Cultural Foundations of Oppression in the United States

Chapter 4 Immigration and Oppression: The Assault on Cultural and Language Diversity

Chapter 5 Race and Oppression: The Experiences of People of Color in America

Chapter 6 Religion and Oppression: The Struggle for Religious Freedom

Chapter 7 Rejecting Oppressive Relationships: The Logic of Cultural Pluralism for a Diverse Society

SECTION 3 Contemporary Dilemmas for Intergroup Relations

Chapter 8 Racism: Confronting a Legacy of White Domination in America

Chapter 9 Classism: Misperceptions and Myths About Income, Wealth, and Poverty

Chapter 10 Sexism: Where the Personal Becomes Political

Chapter 11 Heterosexism: Transforming Homosexuality from Deviant to Different

Chapter 12 Ableism: Disability Does Not Mean Inability

SECTION 4 The Challenge of Diversity to American Institutions

Chapter 13 Pluralism in Schools: The Promise of Multicultural Education

Chapter 14 Pluralism in Society: Creating Unity in a Diverse America


Terms and Definitions

Discussion Exercises

